Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Notes on Depression Index

As of this writing I still have depression, but I'm also certainly getting better. I think it's about time to gather the notes of depression together. There will likely be more of them; if there are, I'll update this index.

This is organized chronologically.

1. A History of My Mood Disorders. As of 2 April 2013. It might be out of date. A decent place to start, though.
2. Why I Do Not Like Telling People I Am Depressed. What it says on the tin. Written during my Wild Iris phase.
3. Not Depressed Enough. In which I talk about the weird feeling I got trying to prove that I had depression. For some reason I wanted this post to be kind of funny, but I don't think that's how it turned out.
4. Being Unable to Value. What it says on the tin.
5. The Freedom of Labels. In which I talk about how using psychological or pseudo-psychological labels has  been helpful to me.
6. Splitting Planarians. In which I geek out about flatworms and talk rather badly about theodicy. (For some reason I forgot to label this a Note on Depression, but I should have.)
7. Hope, Remoras, and The Homeward Bounders. In which I talk about Romans 5:3-5, YA science fantasy, and the trouble with hoping for a better future. Includes a lengthy natural history footnote the topic of which made it into a title.
8. The Graveside Crowd. A much later post, about the death of my father and the social expectations that accompany mourning, or the presumption of mourning.

The following weren't really Notes on Depression, exactly, but they pertain so I'll put them here.

Envy for Sisyphus. In which I indulge quite a bit in angst of the "What can we really know?" variety. But I still stand by everything I said. Also, Camus. Also, a response to Eve Tushnet.
As for Me and My House. In which I talk about self-disclosure and the phrase "coming out as...". Not really so preachy as the title makes it sound.
Death Denial, Death Drive. In which I talk about Richard Beck's theories on death denial, meaning, and the creation of culture, and how those theories don't seem to apply to people who desire death or at least do not fear it; this is relevant to me as someone with depression. [Subsequent addition 19/08/2014]

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