Critic Class

I wanted to host this as a file you could download, but I was unable to figure out how to do that--I'm not the most tech literate person in the world--so in the meantime I'm just going to slap this into a page and keep it at that.

Critic Class

(Note: I designed this class for Scott Alexander's Dungeons and Discourse system, which probably violates a number of intellectual property claims. I don't know where that leaves me. Please see for the complete system. It should be noted that I wrote this as though it were 4th ed. D&D and you had to choose only one power per level. Re-reading the Dungeons and Discourse rules, I now suspect you are supposed to get ALL of the spells per level, excepting Empiricists. So it is likely highly unbalanced.)

A Critic takes classes in literary theory and criticism. The Critic class draws its power mainly from Bullshytte, interdisciplinary study, and Poiesis. Critics gain book-related bonuses and almost entirely attack in response to opponents' spells.

Level One

Type: targeted, mental, metamagic
Cost: W
Timing: Cast during opponent's turn, then lose next turn.
Defence: R(S) > your Bullshytte (your choice)
Spell: Carefully examine the language of your opponent's argument to better understand how it works. Cast on an opponent's Debate attack. If successful, attack does 50% damage against opponent. Whether or not your opponent makes the saving throw, attack only does 50% damage. Lose following turn.

Level Two

Type: self, fregian
Spell: You are incredibly well-read.
You may have one more open book than you would otherwise have. You are able to use type:literary books. For 4 - half your level (rounded down) W, you can also open any of the following books even if you do not meet their requirements: /Being and Nothingness/ by Sartre, /Nichomachean Ethics/ by Aristotle, /The Origin of the Species/ by Darwin, /The Prince/ by Machiavelli, /The Psychopathology of Everyday Life/ by Freud, /The Republic/ by Plato, /The Second Sex/ by de Beauvoir, /Tao Te Ching/ by Tzu, and of the books listed in this document. Add 1/2 your level (rounded down) to your Erudition.

Level Three

Type: self, metamagic
Spell: You use your knowledge of language to improve the clarity and persuasiveness of your arguments.
Add your Poiesis or your Precision to your Rationality or your Phronesis scores for any spell or saving roll. Add your Poiesis score or your Precision score to your Rhetoric skill.

Type: self, metamagic
Spell: You use your knowledge of jargon to obscure your argument and confuse your opponents.
Add your Poiesis to your Bullshytte scores for any spell or saving roll OR for 1W use your Bullshytte instead of Rationality or your Phronesis (this spell supercedes all opponent spells and effects). Add your Poesis skill to your Sophistry skill.

Type: self
Timing: Whenever you deal physical damage against an opponent > 4
Cost: W
Spell: Gain +2 HP. If you are Greek, recoup the Will cost.

Type: dualist, metamagic, postmodern
Cost: W
Timing: cast during an opponent's turn, then lose your next turn (once you are Level 7 Critic, you no longer lose your next turn)
Defense: R(S) > your Critic level + 2
Spell: Explain how the subtext of an opponent's argument covertly challenges and undermines itself.
Cast on an opponent's Debate attack. That attack now damages the creature who made it instead of the target.

Level Four

Type: self
Spell: Your wide reading has given you an edge in interdisciplinary work.
Earn Metaphysician, Apologist, Utopian, or Ethicist Levels up to Level Three at 3/4 what you would otherwise pay (but no less than what a specialist would pay).

Type: targeted, communist OR leftist
Prerequisite: Level 1 Utopian
Cost: W
Timing: Use when you make a successful saving throw against a Debate attack or a Spell
Spell: You analyze your opponent's recent claims according to Marx's critique of capitalism.
Cast on the opponent on whose spell you made the successful save, but only if that opponent is non-Communist. Do damage equal to their Wealth level + your Bullshytte.

Type: summon, materialist or dualist, literary darwinist
Prerequisite: Level 1 Empiricist or Metaphysician
Cost: W
Timing: When you make a successful saving throw against a Debate attack or a Spell
Spell: You analyze your opponent's recent claims for what they reveal about the evolution of human narrative tastes.
Summon a Dire Normal Human. Does not work if the attacking opponent has a Critic Level equal to or higher than your own.

Type: targeted, postcolonial, dualist
Prerequisite: Asian, Level 1 Utopian or Ethicist
Cost: W
Timing: When you make a successful saving throw against a Debate attack or a Spell
Spell: You explain how your opponent's attack reinforces colonial power structures and others postcolonial populations.
Cast against the attacking opponent, but only if that opponent is Anglo-American or Continental. Does 20 dualist damage.

Type: targeted, formalist
Cost: W
Timing: When you make a successful saving throw against a Debate attack or a Spell
Spell: You show that your opponent's debate attack depended on a certain emotional response on your part.
Cast on the attacking opponent. Does dualist damage equal to your Bullshytte.

Level Five

Type: summon, materialist or dualist, new historicist, non-combat
Prerequisite: Level 1 Utopian
Cost: 2W
Timing: 2
Spell: Examine historical texts to conjure the voices of the dead.
Summon a Spectre of a spirit from any time in the past. This Spectre cannot move, attack, or take damage, but it can speak. It will answer questions about the history, culture, religion, politics, etc. of the time period and place in which it lived.

Type: targeted
Cost: 3W
Timing: When an opponent makes a successful attack against you, then lose your next turn
Defence: B(S) > 6
Spell: Learn from your opponent's successful attack. Whatever damage is done to you (before armour, etc.) + your Poiesis score is done to your opponent. Lose your next turn.

Type: self, formalist
Prerequisite: 2 Level Apologist
Cost: 3W
Duration: 6 rounds
Spell: Show that your opponent's attempts to paraphrase the contents of their books is unavoidably flawed.
For the next 6 rounds, no effects from books apply to you and you are immune to all spells that opponents gain through books.

Type: targeted, psychological
Prerequisite: 2 Level Empiricist or Metaphysician
Cost: 2W
Timing: 1
Duration: Until the target sleeps next
Spell: Interpret dream content in order to better understand the dreamer's psychology and thereby improve mental health.
Cast on a friendly target who has just awoken from sleep. Provides a +4 bonus to mental defence. Target is immune to type:psychological attacks. Gain +1 Influence over the target.

Type: summon, feminist
Prerequisite: 2 Level Ethicist or Utopian, female
Cost: 2W
Timing: Whenever a male opponent attacks you, then lose following turn
Spell: Attack only does 50% damage; 100% of what damage would have been done is rebounded on the opponent in dualist damage; lose following turn

Level Six

Type: area, digital humanities, statistical
Prerequisite: 1 Level Logicist or Empiricist
Cost: 3W
Timing: Cast whenever an opponent attacks you, then lose following turn
Defence: R(S) > your Rationality
Spell: Rather than carefully examine the language of your opponent's argument to better understand how it works, you use statistical methods to examine all of your opponents' claims.
Cast on an opponent's Debate attack. Attack works like Close Reading, but if successful does damage to all opponents in area (regardless of distance).

Type: target, psychological, laplanchian
Prerequisite: 1 Level Empiricist or 2 Level Metaphysician
Cost: 2W
Timing: 1
Defence: Their Theory of Mind score > your remaining Will (prior to the cost's deduction)
Spell: Your untranslated desires become a part of your opponent's unconscious. Gain +1 Influence over your opponent and do 10 mental damage.

Type: targeted, metamagic
Cost: 2W
Timing: Whenever an opponent makes a saving throw, then lose your next turn
Spell: Point out that your opponent needs to address the argument itself, not what the author of the argument is presumed to have meant.
Cast on an opponent's saving throw. Subtract 3 from the saving throw.

Type: targeted, theist, metamagic
Prerequisite: 2 Level Apologist
Timing: Whenever an opponent attacks you with an Apologist or eastern Spell, then lose following turn
Cost: 3W
Defence: R(S) + the spell's level > 6
Spell: You use your literary analytical savvy to out-interpret your opponent's sacred text.
Cast against on an opponent's Apologist or eastern spell that affects you. If successful, any damage that would have been done on you is instead done on them. Lose following turn.

Type: self, feminist, lgtbq, postmodern
Prerequisite: 2 Level Utopian or Ethicist
Cost: 2W
Duration: 2 turns
Spell: You use your knowledge of gender performativity to take control of your own gender. From the duration of this spell, you can decide whether you count as male or female for any given spell or effect

Level Seven

Type: targeted, postmodern, dualist or idealist
Cost: 3W
Timing: 1
Duration: 4
Defence: Poiesis(S) > 6
Spell: In the current age, simulacra have become the reality.
Cast on a simulation (clockwork, p-zombie, illusion, etc.). When it would be beneficial, you and your allies may treat the target as real, doing mental damage and so forth. Your opponents do not get this advantage.

Type: self, fregian, postcolonial, non-combat
Spell: You have decided that multilingualism is necessary for a complete understanding of literature. You may speak, understand, read, or write any language, even those you have never encountered before. This does not allow you to speak to non-sentient animals nor inanimate objects, nor does it ensure the other party will listen to you or care what you have to say. You may not use Fear: Comparative Literature to learn programming languages or private languages.

Type: targeted, psychological
Prerequisite: 1 Level of Empiricist or Metaphysican
Cost: 3W
Timing: Immediately after another player makes a debate attack or spell against you (whether successful or not)
Spell: Cast on the opponent who attacked you. Immediately gain +1 Influence over them. If you get +2 Influence over them, whether or not you have majority, they become Afraid (saving throw Poiesis(S) > your Poiesis).

Type: targeted, feminist
Prerequisite: female
Cost: (7 - your Poiesis skill)W
Timing: Immediately after another player makes a saving throw against one of your Debate attacks, then lose following turn
Spell: Summon a Gorgon

Level Eight

Type: self
Spell: Your wide reading has given you even further proficiency in interdisciplinary work.
Earn Metaphysician, Apologist, Utopian, or Ethicist Levels up to Level Seven at 3/4 what you would otherwise pay (but no less than what a specialist would pay).

Type: self, feminist, materialist
Prerequisite: 2 Level Metaphysician, Empiricist, or Utopian, or 1 Level in each
Spell: You have entirely blurred the distinction between human and machine. When it is convenient to you, you may defend against mental damage with your physical defence and you may defend against physical damage with your mental defence. Dualist damage does 150% its regular damage. If you are female, +4 to your Precision.

Type: area, postmodern, foucauldian
Prerequisite: 2 Level Utopian
Timing: 2
Duration: 10
Spell: Whenever you or an ally inflict mental damage, you also inflict physical damage equal to 50% of the mental damage. Platonic forms do not gain this advantage.

Type: targeted, metamagic, postcolonial
Prerequisite: 2 Level Logicist or Ethicist
Cost: 2W
Timing: Whenever a rightist, capitalist, racist, absolutist, papal, or nazi spell is cast against you or an ally
Defence: R(S) > 8
Spell: Functions like Deconstruct (Critic), but does damage to the opponent's allies as well (if the opponent who made the attack fails his or her saving throw, then all Associated creatures must make saving throws; if the opponent who made the attack succeeds at his or her saving throw, all Associated creatures are safe).

Level Nine

Type: self, reader response
Spell: Immediately learn Heresy of Paraphrase, even if you have no Apologist levels. If you already know Heresy of Paraphrase, you may now cast it at 1W. You are now immune to any type:philosophy of language attacks and effects that you choose. You are now immune to all type:formalist attacks and effects.

Type: self, fregian
Spell: No longer lose your turn for spells which normally require you to lose your turn. Immediately learn Feat: Comparative Literature. If you already know Feat: Comparative, Literature, immediately learn another skill of lower level for which you have the necessary prerequisites. You are now immune to any type:philosophy of language attacks and effects that you choose. You no longer require sleep; instead, read a book for 1 hour to achieve the same effects. Postmodern attacks do 50% more damage.

Type: formalist, barthesian
Cost: 50% of your total HP, all of your remaining Will (minimum 3W)
Timing: Whenever you are successfully attacked with a Debate spell
Spell: Cast against attacking opponent; does exactly the same damage to him or her as it costs to you with dualist damage

(Note: these are still underdeveloped)

Prerequisites: Level 2 Biology and Level 2 Metaphysics, Bullshytte > 14, not Rightist
Types: postmodern, feminist
Spells: Become: Cyborg, even if you are not Level 7
- +2 techne

Prerequisites: Feat: Educated Imagination, Rationality > 14, Bullshytte > 12
Types: literary
- +4 Erudition
- Paradox Beasts will not attack you

MOBY DICK by Herman Melville
Prerequisites: Feat: Educated Imagination, Phronesis > 12
Types: literary
Spells: Summon Whale (retool Summon Laughing Medusa, but produce a whale instead)
- Each time you attack the same target in successive turns (successfully or otherwise), increase the damage of your attack by n%, where n = (the number of times you have attacked this target X 10).

Prerequisites: Level 2 Critic and Level 2 Metaphysics, Bullshytte > 14, not Fideist
Types: postmodern, post-structuralist
Spells: Simulacra and Simulation

S/Z by Roland Barthes
Prerequisites: Level 2 Critic, Bullshytte > 13 and Rationality > 13
Types: structuralist, post-structuralist
Spells: Intentional Fallacy, Deconstruction; at level seven, you can use "Death of the Author"


/Rather than literally turning its victims to stone, this gorgon inflicts a psychological paralysis./
Type: feminist, postmodern
Terrain: land
Stats: 22/11/12/21/11 25/25/1
Spells: Inspire Ennui, Inspire Fear, Smash, Debate
Special: Will never attack female creatures

Copyright, insofar as I can possibly claim it, 2013 to Christian H of

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